hero image of Teamverwaltung website
  • Timeframe: Nov 2021 - Juli 2022
  • My Role: Analyst and Frontend
  • Type: Web Application
Project Description

"Teamverwaltung" is a platform exclusively designed for professors and students of Htw Dresden's Software Development module.

It simplifies the team creation process for multiple projects by using a questionnaire-based algorithm to match students' skills, interests, and aspirations with project requirements. Professors can oversee the process and intervene if necessary through a dashboard-like interface. The platform streamlines project management, providing an efficient and seamless experience for Htw Dresden professors and students.

Used Tech-Stack
HTML5 Logo
CSS Logo
JavaScript Logo
Python Logo
Django Logo
MySQL Logo
visualization of the process

During the planning stage of the project, the team had to adapt to the (agile) software development process. Initially, they had to take time to establish roles, hierarchies, representatives, and communication channels. The process required a learning curve and deliberate effort to ensure clear communication and effective collaboration within the team.


The analysis stage of the project involved two key objectives. First, the team aimed to establish a functional team and adapt to the agile software development process. Second, the team worked to analyze the task/issue at hand, which initially presented as vague - "software for easing the team creation process." To achieve this, the team focused on identifying and documenting all requirements necessary to develop a successful solution to the problem. Through their diligent efforts, they were able to clearly define the scope of the project and lay the foundation for its subsequent development.


The development stage of the project involved building the solution, which was a significant part of the year-long endeavor. The team, comprising four developers, including the writer, worked collaboratively and communicated effectively to leverage each other's strengths and mitigate weaknesses. Through their cohesive effort, they achieved efficient development and produced a high-quality solution that satisfied all required specifications.

Test & Deployment

In the final stages of the project, the team focused on testing and deployment to ensure the customer had a functional team creation software. The solution was thoroughly tested with every commit, and the website was ultimately handed over to the customer. After a brief period, the team was dissolved, having successfully delivered a solution that fully met the necessary requirements.

Teamverwaltung walkthrough Homepage (Prototype)
Teamverwaltung Dozent View
Final Conclusion

Working on the "Teamverwaltung" project was a challenging but ultimately rewarding experience. Despite facing ups and downs, the team was able to deliver a high-quality solution that met the necessary requirements. One of the biggest hurdles was maintaining the team's energy and enthusiasm throughout the project, particularly when some team members did not contribute as much as others. Additionally, the customer's changing requirements presented a significant challenge, but the team learned to adapt to the situation. Despite these obstacles, the team worked well together and maintained a positive atmosphere. One of the biggest takeaways from this experience was the importance of creating a supportive and appreciative team environment, which ultimately led to a successful project outcome.

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